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  In the press

Finally some of main media is beginning to take note of GoodNewsIndia. First there was a story in the New Indian Express. Then soon after, a long profile in It does feel nice to be noticed.

In June,2003, GNI welcomed its 300,000th unique visitor. The first 100,000th came in May, 2002, about two years after launch. GNI received its 200,000th visitor in Jan, 03, ie in about 8 months. And now the 300,000th in five months. May the growth continue for it means the message of GNI is reaching wider.

The new look GNI launched in Jan,03 had three sections in the Supplements section: NewsClips, Updates and Support. Since then two new sections have debuted, called Enthusiasts and Ideas For India. Enthusiasts will feature Indians who are committed to a passion that adds some value to India. Ideas for India, will describe practical ideas that might have the potential to solve some of India’s problems.put together an industrial strength web site. I finally settled on DGS Search to provide the search feature at GNI.