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Reach of the Rishi Valley School[continued]

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In a book—"Birds of Rishi Valley"— he has co-authored with photographer S Sridhar, Rangaswamy writes, "Four occurances suddenly brought the mysterious and independent power of nature home to us. One morning a wild cat wandered through a half open door in the old guest house... Shortly thereafter a turtle was found crossing the path between two hostels. Next, a family of dabchicks moved into the large percolation tank. Finally, the call of a Yellowthroated Bulbul was heard on the hills..." He was implying how nature was signalling through its emissaries that it was endorsing the School's habitat. Strange, he didn't mention that rishis were returning to it as well.


Rishi Valley Education Centre

Krishnamurthy Foundation of India, Rishi Valley 517352, Chittoor Dt., Andhra Pradesh

School Office [08571] 280622, 280037, 280044
S Rangaswami: [08571] 80233
Y A Padmanabha Rao:0 98483 67921

email Addresses:
M S Sailendran [School Office]
Y A Padmanabha Rao [RIVER]
Dr V Shantaram [Institute of Bird Studies]

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