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 gniLogo GoodNewsIndia :: The Diary

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May 01, 2001 :: Discovering sitemeter

Major house keeping and gremlin-busting effort completed! Dead links removed, bugs squashed [you found one? really?] and type faces made eye-friendly. Following a few outraged comments, cute page background colours retired in favour of plain vanilla white.

March Hitometer score was a historic high!  2700+ hits on the index page alone! The future is sure promising :)) ! Began tracking with, a great service. Will have finer stats in the future.

‘Discovered-by’ this month:,, the latter with a warm review too.

Footnote: April, 2006-
I discovered after I asked on for suggestions for good -and, free!- tracking service. Someone said, “Try sitemeter!” and I have been happy ever since

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