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 Apr 04, 2006 : Mangoes from Reliance

Reliance Industries, was required to plant 700 acres as compensatory forestry around its 33 million tonne refinery in Jamnagar, Gujarat. It says that it has in fact greened twice that area and in addition planted 100 acres along the sea coast with mangroves.

Mangoes predominate the 30 varieties in 30 lakh trees whic,h Reliance assured the Hindu correspondent, “you can physically count”. They have planted the short variety and practice Israeli methods to farm the poor soil of Saurashtra. The trees are not allowed to grow above 10 feet. Results are amazing. This year there will be 3,600 tonnes of Reliance mangoes entering the tail-end of the season, when good prices are assured. Reliance is even thinking of branding the mangoes and getting into marketing the fruits directly.

Obviously caring for environment can be profitable business.

 Mar 30, 2006 : Decline in HIV rates

PTI citing an online 'Lancet' report says that HIV infection rates in the south fell by as much as 33%. The findings are part of an Indo-Canadian study based on reviewing nearly 80,000 people in ante-natal and STD clinics.

Extensive awareness campaigns and increased use of condoms may be paying off.

The worrisome part is that there is no decline in rates in the north. Though the number of cases there are lower than in the south, it is suspected that poor reporting may be the cause.

 Mar 27, 2006 : A Muslim restores Hindu temples

Mohammed Yeasin Pathan grew up watching 34 temples slowly to ruin, in nearby Pathra village in West Midnapore district of Bengal. Since 1971, this poorly paid school peon has combated vandalism, distrust of him as a Muslim, the region's poverty and state apathy.

It was not mere sentimentality that drove him; he also believed restored temples would bring tourist traffic and cash incomes.

That's beginning to happen. Thanks to Pathan's campaign, since 2003, the Archaeological Survey of India has restored 20 temples. Though ruined financially, Pathan has achieved communal harmony and stays busy trying to attract tourist traffic. Full story in Outlook magazine

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