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Apr 04, 2006 :: Mangoes from Reliance

Reliance Industries, was required to plant 700 acres as compensatory forestry around its 33 million tonne refinery in Jamnagar, Gujarat. It says that it has in fact greened twice that area and in addition planted 100 acres along the sea coast with mangroves.

Mangoes predominate the 30 varieties in 30 lakh trees whic,h Reliance assured the Hindu correspondent, “you can physically count”. They have planted the short variety and practice Israeli methods to farm the poor soil of Saurashtra. The trees are not allowed to grow above 10 feet. Results are amazing. This year there will be 3,600 tonnes of Reliance mangoes entering the tail-end of the season, when good prices are assured. Reliance is even thinking of branding the mangoes and getting into marketing the fruits directly.

Obviously caring for environment can be profitable business.


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