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 gniLogo GoodNewsIndia :: The Sieve

Good news filtered from media streams

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 Mar 20, 2008 : High Tech eye on forests

 Jan 14, 2008 : Kiran Bedi’s new mission

 Apr 25, 2007 : Mazumdar’s eye mission

 Apr 25, 2007 : Rural telephony turns profitable

 Apr 25, 2007 : ISRO order book filling up

 Apr 13, 2007 : Village courts planned

 Apr 12, 2007 : S S R Varadhan wins the Abel Prize

 Apr 04, 2007 : The Smritivan idea catches on

 Mar 31, 2007 : Drugs from arecanut

 Mar 22, 2007 : Rural poverty declines

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