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Plastics recycling - a new departure[continued]

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For all that evidence, support for banning plastics is misplaced; the poor do use plastics. Calling for West-like personal responsibility in segregation and disposal, will not work; the poor are far too busy putting their lives together to have time for sorting and the like. Don't even try wishing away the plastic industry. What then are you left with? Push for win-win solutions. If you know another, let us know. If not, spend time assimilating the import of Jim Garthe's work and championing his approach. A simple way would be to mail this story, --which has all the links you need-- to all your friends and people who can influence.


James W. Garthe

Office: 246 Ag. Eng. Bldg., University Park, PA 16802; phone:814.865.7154

Home: RR 1, Box 145, Petersburg, PA 16669;



"Gobar Times", a publication of the highly respected "Down to Earth" magazine, has made some proposals on plastic waste management. The Garthe idea may be of some appeal to it, although it appears there is fundamental objection to even scientifically managed burning. In all fairness, readers must pay this link a visit before coming to any conclusion.

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