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Jan 28, 2007 : Siege of Goa… defeated! 

Not since the success of the movement to save the Silent Valley in Kerala has there been a people’s victory comparable to how the siege of Goa was broken.

Jan 24, 2007 : Emerging alternate energy breakthroughs 

Although not of Indian origin, two new developments could favourably affect our environmental and energy situation.

Jan 16, 2007 : The Supreme Court growls 

The Supreme Court has settled once and for all, that the Parliament’s freedom to legislate is not unfettered but subject to provisions of the Constitution

Jan 12, 2007 : A miracle rice 

A new variety of rice known as the Aerobic Rice has been discovered which requires little water, generates no methane and produces good yields.

Aug 20, 2006 : RTI - a tactical retreat by the government 

Government’s decision to not amend the RTI Act ‘for now’ is only an interim victory, but the campaign to gain it, is a landmark triumph of citizens’ collective action.

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